Bunnell, Florida
Thursday, December 10, 1959

Charles Mathew Akins of Bunnell died of cancer at noon November 30 at the Veterans Hosipital in Dearborn, Michigan. He was 37 years of age, and a veteran of World War 2.

Mr. Akins was born in the St. Johns Park section of Flagler County and had lived there most of his life. He had managed the St. Johns Park Fish Camp for the past two years.

For the past six months he had received treatment at Veterans' Hospitals in Oteen, N. C., Lake City and Dearborn.

Funeral services were held at 1 o’clock Thursday afternoon from Querseld Funeral Home in Dearborn and burial followed in Detroit, Michigan.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Aileen Akins and their three children, Mary, Johnnie, Robert, and Charlene of Wyandotte, Mich.; one daughter and one son, Donna and James Akins of Korona; his mother, Mrs. C. W. Akins, St. Johns Park; three sisters, Mrs. Ruby Allerton of Delray, Ohio; Mrs. Ilene Walton of Wooster, Ohio; and Mrs. Josephine Brown of Palatka; one brother, George Akins of Hastings, Florida.